A workbook to embody the authentic, life-affirming masculinity that is available to each of us. The first in a series of four, this lore book explores the evolution of consciousness and the archetype of the Magician.
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Accessing States of Consciousness - guided audio
Transpersonal Contemplations - guided audio
In this book group, we’ll read and discuss The Organic Masculine workbook. You’ll step into the cutting edge of masculinity, consciousness, and developmental psychology. You’ll learn what it means to awaken your organic masculine and initiate your inner Magician. In addition to reading the book, we’ll be engaging in rich group discussions and experiential exercises to bring this material into your life. Facilitated by Matt Sturm, this course begins Wednesday September 11th, 2024.
The Organic Masculine presents an integral journey to redefine masculinity in wholeness. This evocative workbook will guide you to embody your authentic version of the organic masculine—empowered, generative, compassionate, and rooted in love.
This text begins with the question, "What is masculinity anyway?" Situated within a robust metaphysical framework, you will weave together the evolution of consciousness, Integral Theory, contemporary gender studies, and masculine archetypes. You'll emerge with a cutting-edge self-worldview of your masculine essence integrated within the ever-evolving wholeness of the kosmos.
In order to access the life-affirming core of masculinity, we must first acknowledge the harm that men are causing in the world today. By integrating critical feminist and queer perspectives, men's work is able to be truly empowering to all humans.
This vision looks beyond academic gender theory into the psychology and mysticism of the archetypes, which are essential for the initiation of mature masculinity. Focusing on the Magician archetype, you'll be guided you to find your inner Magician to walk the path of initiation.
This engaging book is a transmission of consciousness. Through exercises, reflections, and narrative explorations, you'll enter a space of inner alchemy and transformation. In all, The Organic Masculine offers a comprehensive guide to integrating masculinity in the modern world.
This book presents a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be an upstanding man today. More importantly, it offers a methodology for men to step into their unique life-affirming masculinity. Matt Sturm is the single most efficient teacher that I have ever known. Read this book to get the foundation. And then reach out to Matt to be held accountable to the implementation. You will never regret it.
The Organic Masculine deftly organizes the best consciousness maps we have today into a genuine inner workbook for genuine men serious about the sacred opportunity they've been given to evolve Human Masculinity itself. Using the forge of masculine sexuality, Sturm has created an accelerant for men to get painfully, blissfully honest with ourselves about how much of our bodies-hearts-minds-spirits we are actually bringing into our vital play power that is our life. The immense coordinating of so many tiers, stages, archetypes, lines, polarities and evolutionary processes he uses as the field of his focus shows Sturm's particular genius. But the indelible presence of the sacred and how he holds our species and all of life as precious and invaluable is his particular Blessing to us.
In our current zeitgeist of deep confusion contrasted by pure potential, Matt Sturm offers a much-needed way-finder in a world of uncertainty and unknowns. The Organic Masculine invites us into a love for nuance, the courage to play and the desire to thrive, all in service to awakening our inner archetypal Magician. With our Wizard Within we learn to alchemize our antiquated aspects of masculinity to activate our primordial ancestral aliveness. Realizing our creative power to do so, with confidence we can engage the friction and tension of these times to reforge our masculine identities on our own terms thus making way for whatever responsive and relevant actions urge to emerge through the depths of our individual and collective being.
Matt’s exploration of masculinity is as bold and comprehensive as I’ve had the pleasure to explore. Who are we as humans? Where are we going? What role does masculinity play in that evolutionary process? These questions set the foundation for the important personal exploration of what does it mean to be masculine in this world at this time. Be ready to have the way you look at yourself and the world forever changed.
Finally, a smart book of substance about men and masculinity, for anyone looking for an integral roadmap that brings together wisdom from the world’s leading minds. Matt deftly weaves together the mythic, spiritual, philosophical, historical and practical - while adding his own helpful critiques and personal vulnerability - into a systematic approach to understanding consciousness, the universe, and paradigms of masculinity. An ambitious book that is also deeply satisfying.
Matt has offered men and women a great service with this book. If you are on a quest for deeper embodiment, and if you are on the path of evolution into an integrated whole, The Organic Masculine offers the best map to date for masculinity and challenges you to engage completely in your process of becoming.
Matt Sturm is a guide for transformational experiences. He works with people to slow down, to come into their bodies, and to connect to their innate inner wisdom. Matt holds a strong, clear container for healing, intimacy, and spiritual awakening within a variety of contexts. These include psychotherapy, psychedelic-assisted therapy, sacred sexuality, breathwork journeys, and men's retreats. He runs the Living Kosmos integral mystery school, focusing on the evolution of consciousness at the intersection of science and spirituality. Through the online programs in Living Kosmos, Matt teaches about Integral Theory, the tarot archetypes and the Western Mystery tradition, kundalini awakening, and more.